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China – Gen Z workers show stronger awareness of labour rights (Global Times)

17 October 2022

China's Generation Z has stronger awareness of defending their labour rights as new forms of careers continue to increase, reports the Global Times, citing a report by Peking University and Zhaopin. The report found that Generation Z workers paid much more attention to safeguarding their legitimate labour rights and interests. More than 70% of people born after 2000 would resist labour law violations, while only 42.7 and 46.3% of people born in the 1970s and 1980s would do the same thing.

"China's Gen-Z grew up in a time when China made enormous economic and social development achievements. They are more confident and have higher requirements for workplace equality and rights protection," said Liu Aiyu, professor with the Department of Sociology at Peking University. Aiyu added that Generation Z has much greater courage and confidence to fight against labour rights violations and other injustices in their jobs because many of them have financial support from their family and are not afraid of losing their job.