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France – Temping helps young people improve prospects

18 March 2013

Unemployment in France hit a 14-year high in the final quarter of 2012 with 10.6% of people being out of work. Young jobseekers are particularly affected by the steady rise in joblessness, but many believe that working through a temporary recruitment agency could improve their prospects.

A new study, published on Monday, by the French association of staffing firms (Prisme) found that young people see temporary work as a way into the labour market with nine out of 10 saying it would improve their professional experience. Nearly a third of all agency workers in France, are aged under 26.

The study revealed that only 18% of young people are optimistic about the general employment situation in France. But opinions vary between those who have already entered the job market and those who have not. Youngsters who have had no contact with the labour market are more hopeful with 73% saying they are optimistic about employment conditions. By contrast, only 44% of those having gained work experience said it would be easy to find a job.

Overall, 54% of young people working on a temporary contract via a staffing firm are confident about finding employment, compared to 50% on permanent contracts (CDD) and 23% on fixed-term contracts (CDI).

81% of respondents also said that temporary agency work would improve their general employability with 87% saying it would help them gain work experience. Just over half (51%) believe that temporary work could also help get them a fixed-term contract.