Amy Chang

Healthcare Analyst

Amy Chang

Amy C. Chang is Healthcare Analyst responsible for SIA’s healthcare staffing research. She has extensive experience within the healthcare staffing market having previously served as VP of Strategy & Investor Relations for AMN Healthcare (NYSE: AMN) from 2009-2016, during which time its market cap grew from $220 million to over $1 billion. Prior to joining AMN in 2002, Amy was a strategy consultant working with Fortune 500 clients. She began her career with KPMG as a CPA, and is also a graduate of UC Berkeley where she earned her BS and MBA in Business Administration.

Recent Articles

AMN and Cross Country: Nurse staffing demand moderates as permanent clinicians work more overtime

3 August 2018

AMN Healthcare (NYSE: AMN) reported Q2 2018 nurse and allied volume grew 4% over prior year, excluding strike staffing.