IT Staffing Report: Feb. 4, 2021


Average starting salaries expected to rise 7% for computer science grads

Average starting salaries for graduates in the college class of 2021 are expected to increase, according to data from the 2021 Salary Survey released by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. While some increases are on the smaller side, salaries for computer science grads are expected to rise 7.1% to $72,173.

Computer science majors include computer science, information sciences and systems, and software applications.

NACE also noted that not all majors within specific degree categories are expected to see an increase. For example, the overall average salary for math and sciences majors is expected to increase by 1.3% to $63,316. However, chemistry majors, who fall into this category, are projected to see their average salary drop 3% to $59,625, while math majors are expected to see their average salary rise by 4.5% to $67,360.

Broad category 2021 Salary Projection 2020 Salary Projection % Change
Computer Sciences $72,173 $67,411 7.1%
Engineering $71,088 $69,961 1.6%
Math and Sciences $63,316 $62,488 1.3%
Social Sciences $59,919 $57,425 4.3%
Humanities $59,500 $53,617 11.0%
Business $58,869 $57,939 1.6%
Communications $58,174 $56,484 3.0%
Agriculture and Natural Resources $54,857 $53,504 2.5%

NACE reported that some increases look high but are based on limited data. This is the case with social sciences degrees and humanities degrees, and the projected increases should be viewed with caution.

NACE’s figures are for base salaries and do not include bonuses, commissions, fringe benefits or overtime rates. A total of 139 NACE employer members took part in the survey.