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World – Migration policy affects the attractiveness of OECD countries to international talent, report finds

29 May 2019

Most countries can increase their attractiveness by offering better residence conditions to highly qualified migrants and their family members, according to a new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

The report, OECD Indicators of Talent Attractiveness, found that the most attractive OECD countries for highly qualified potential immigrants are Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand and Canada, in part because of favourable admission and stay conditions.

The US would rank among the top countries for highly-qualified workers and entrepreneurs but is penalised by the fact that relatively few can obtain a visa, and the conditions for their family members are comparatively restrictive.

The report reveals how countries compare in terms of how attractive they are for three key groups of potential migrants: highly-educated workers; entrepreneurs; and international university students.

According to the OECD, the global competition for talent has led many countries to introduce more favourable policy frameworks for the best and the brightest, but many other factors contribute to shaping countries’ attractiveness for foreign talent.

The OECD Indicators of Talent Attractiveness score seven dimensions: quality of opportunities; income and tax; future prospects; family environment; skills environment; inclusiveness; and quality of life. The indicators also take into account how difficult it is for prospective migrants with required skills to obtain a visa or residence permit.