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UK – Women experiencing menopause would receive flexible hours under Labour party’s plans

23 September 2019

In a speech at the annual Labour Party’s conference, Dawn Butler MP, Labour’s Shadow Women and Equalities Secretary, announced that the next Labour government will require all large employers to introduce a menopause workplace policy to break the stigma associated with the menopause.

The announcement comes as part of the party’s plans to transform the workplace for women.

Under Labour’s plans, large employers with over 250 employees will be required to provide training for line managers to be aware of how the menopause can affect working women and understand what adjustments may be necessary to support them.

Furthermore, they will be required to provide flexible working policies that cater for women experiencing the menopause; ensure absence procedures are flexible to accommodate menopause as a long-term fluctuating health condition; carry out risk assessments to consider the specific needs of menopausal women and ensure that their working environment will not make their symptoms worse.

Labour added that further adjustments that employers could be required to make could include the provision of ventilation facilities, access to cold water and giving women flexible working hours if their sleep pattern is disturbed.

The party cited research from Unison and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. The research showed that many women feel ill-equipped to manage the symptoms of menopause at work. It showed that three out of five working women between the ages of 45 and 55 who are experiencing menopause symptoms say it has a negative impact on them at work, affects their confidence and makes them feel unable to disclose their symptoms when taking sick leave.

Labour’s plans to transform the workplace for women also include closing the gender pay gap by forcing large companies to conduct gender pay audits and publish action plans to tackle it – backed up by civil enforcement. It also includes introducing rights to flexible working from the first day of employment and tackling harassment at work by reinstating Section 40 of the Equality Act to protect employees from third party harassment.

“This forms part of our plans for a workplace revolution under the next Labour government to secure equality at work,” Butler said. “By delivering policies like this through a stand-alone Women and Equalities department, Labour will put equality right at the heart of government.”