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UK – REC warns Post-Brexit immigration policy must be based on evidence

30 June 2017

The Recruitment & Employment Confederation has published an analysis of how the 2.2 million EU nationals currently participating in the UK labour market contribute by sector and region.

The REC also warned that decisions about future UK immigration policy should be based on impartial, expert advice rather than politics to avoid risks to the jobs market and the economy at a time of record employment. The warning follows Theresa May’s plans for EU nationals living in the UK.

“Decisions about the future immigration system are too important to be subject to political whim - we need policy to be built on sound evidence and data,” REC chief executive Kevin Green said. “This report is a significant contribution to the critical debate on immigration. It shows that businesses need access to people to deliver growth, and that the current UK workforce alone cannot meet demand.

The report, published in partnership with the Migration Policy Institute and Fragomen LLP, shows that EU nationals represent 7% of the total UK labour force, but reliance is higher in sectors such as manufacturing (11% of the workforce / 319,300 workers), retail and hospitality (9% / 520,100 workers) and construction (8% / 192,400 workers). Meanwhile, the proportion of EU workers is much higher in specific industries, including food processing domestic personnel and warehousing

The REC has outlined 21 recommendations to government based on these findings, including granting greater independence and autonomy to the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), to inform policy and establish evidence-based targets. Furthermore, the REC recommends the government develop a five-year roadmap for the implementation of new immigration policy and to build a visa system that reflects the UK’s dependency on workers from the EU.

“Recruiters are on the frontline of the labour market, and we are ready to work with the government to design and deliver policies that will help the country prosper,” Green said.