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Number of online job ads essentially flat

June 30, 2010

The number of online job ads in June was essentially unchanged from May, according to The Conference Board's measure of online job ads released today.

There were 4.15 million online job ads in June, up by only 19,600 from May. However, the number of online job ads still rose by more than 500,000 during the first half of 2010.

"In the last two months, labor demand has been little changed following a strong start for Spring hiring in April," said June Shelp, VP at The Conference Board. "Thus far, job demand has been uneven across geographies and occupations, and weakness in the housing market is one factor. While all states have experienced some positive upturn in labor demand, states that were heavily impacted by the housing market downturn, in general, are rebounding more slowly."

The Conference Board reported this month's numbers for the measure include new seasonal adjustments.