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Majority of workers don’t believe automation is threat to jobs

April 16, 2015

Despite research indicating otherwise, most workers do not believe automation is a threat to jobs, according to survey released today by Monster Worldwide Inc. (NYSE: MWW).

The survey found 63% of workers believe their jobs will never be replaced by automation such as computers or robots, and an additional 10% think it will take more than 10 years for automation to do their job.

However, Monster states a 2013 Oxford study argues almost half, 47%, of today’s jobs in the US could be automated in the next two decades and Staffing Industry Analysts estimates 60% of all jobs placed by staffing firms are likely to be replaced by automation in the next 10 to 20 years.

Monster asked visitors to its website, “When do you think automation (i.e., computers, robots) will be able to do your entire job?” and received more than 3,800 responses. International responses included:

  • Computers/robots are already able to do my entire job: 12%
  • Within the next five years: 7%
  • In the next five to 10 years: 8%
  • Over 10 years from now: 10%
  • I don’t think automation will ever be able to do my entire job: 63%