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US employees are detached and disconnected, survey finds

September 22, 2016

US employees feel underappreciated and disconnected, and many believe their internal communications and training programs need significant improvement, according to a new survey by Rapt Media. Additionally, 69% of employees are open to other opportunities or already seeking their next jobs.

The report, “U.S. Employees: Detached, Disengaged, and Disenchanted,” found only 32% of US employees feel engaged, and 35% of employees feel their companies don’t care about them — as a team member or a person. And more than half of employees, 57%, feel their leaders are detached from the workforce. 

Additional survey findings:

  • 24% are fibbing or outright lying on their employee engagement surveys
  • 60% of employees are bored by their company’s internal communications
  • 74% have forgotten some or all of the last mandatory training they completed
  • 82% learn better from visual training content, instead of static materials

“Given that most employees are either open to other opportunities or actively seeking their next job, the unfortunate truth is we can no longer take employee loyalty for granted," said Erika Trautman, founder and CEO of Rapt Media. "Now more than ever, we must earn that loyalty through better engagement, training and internal communication."

The survey was conducted in early July 2016 and included 400 full-time employees of large organizations in the US.