July 15, 2015


Your work is only just beginning when you launch your program. Be prepared for constant change.

Successful launch? Be prepared for change right out of the gate

July 15, 2015

You have launched your program. But if you think you'll have a chance to rest after all your hard work and preparation, think again. Change is constant, and you'll be asked for it sooner than you think.

Supplier selection: Buyers shift focus to worker quality over costs, risk

July 15, 2015

The improved economy and employment numbers point to an increasing battle over skilled talent, leading even procurement professionals to rate quality over cost and risk factors as the most important when selecting a supplier.

Delivery group wins independent contractor case, beats state law

July 15, 2015

The Massachusetts Delivery Association won the right to use independent contractors when a judge ruled federal law preempts the state’s independent contractor law.

NLRB invites input on temporary employee unionization issue

July 15, 2015

The National Labor Relations Board last week invited interested parties to file briefs regarding whether it should permit bargaining units comprised of both regular employees and temporary workers provided by a staffing agency to form without employer approval.

Contingent labor buyer faces $116K fines for risks

July 15, 2015

A refrigeration company, faces fines of more than $100,000 for safety violations that put its temporary and regular workers at risk of serious injury or death.

California lawmakers propose misclassification amnesty program for drayage employers

July 15, 2015

The California Assembly has passed a bill that would relieve port drayage companies from worker misclassification liabilities if they enter into a settlement agreement with the state before 2017, CCJ Commercial Carrier Journal reports. The bill has been referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee. ... More