Healthcare Staffing Report: May 14, 2020


Almost 40% of recruiters expect to see hiring increases within 90 days; healthcare recruiters most optimistic

While the unemployment rate and out-of-work contractors have taken an immediate toll on the economy, more than 38% of surveyed recruiters expect to see increases in job requisitions within 90 days, according to the Recruiter Index released by And more than 22% expect those results to start in as little as 30 days.

Meanwhile, 17% expect no change.

Healthcare recruiters are among the most optimistic: 45.5% predict increased job order loads in the next 30 days, and 54.5% predict increased hiring in the next 90 days. is a website that links job seekers, recruiters and employers. The index gathers data from its network of more than 20,000 small and independent recruiters to uncover critical insights into where hiring is heading.

Other key trends from the Recruiter Index include:

  • The immediate outlook is also positive for recruiters in internet/other information services: 50% predict increased job requisition loads in the next 30 days.
  • 66% of the recruiters in financial services expect demand to increase or return to normal in the next 90 days.
  • Even recruiters in hard-hit industries are more optimistic than one might expect: One-third of recruiters in food/beverage expect job requisition loads to increase within 90 days.