Healthcare Staffing Report: May 10, 2018


National Nurses Week celebrated this week

National Nurses Week began Sunday and continues through May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the American Nurses Association announced. The theme for the week is “Nurses: Inspire, Innovate, Influence.”

The focus on nurses’ ability to influence the profession and all aspects of healthcare will continue throughout the year as part of the “Year of Advocacy.” ANA will offer nurses strategies and tools to be effective advocates and showcase nurses engaged in a variety of efforts at all levels.

“Because of nurses’ wide-ranging roles and our sheer numbers, we are well positioned to identify and help solve many public health problems in the course of providing individual care to our patients and their families,” said ANA President Pamela Cipriano. “Nurses have successfully used our voices and expertise to inspire, innovate, and influence to advance the health of our nation. I urge all nurses to become passionate about public health and to advocate for the causes that they feel strongly about.”