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China – HR tech firm Shebao China rebrands as Yunsheng Group as it secures USD 40 million in funding round (DealStreetAsia)

30 June 2022

China, HR tech firm Shebao China announced it has rebranded itself as Yunsheng Group amid the firm’s efforts to step up investment in cloud-native technology after the completion of a Series C funding round of RMB 270 million (USD 40.3 million). According to DealStreetAsia, the firm’s rebranding reflects a commitment to building a ‘holistic platform leveraging cloud-native technology and Software as a Service (SaaS) in the provision of digital human resources. The company provides private corporations, public institutions and government bodies with its HR tech solutions for talent recruitment, background checks, training and related legal affairs. The funding will help with the group’s plans of building new research and development centres.