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UK – Nearly half of employees pessimistic after EU Referendum result

02 August 2016

In a CIPD survey of 1,045 UK workers, 44% of respondents said they felt pessimistic about the future.

The pessimistic sentiment was 61% among public sector workers, 58% among voluntary sector workers and 63% for those aged 25-34.

The survey showed that 3% felt more secure in their job since the Brexit vote was announced on 23 June.

“This survey reveals that there is a significant level of pessimism in the immediate aftermath of the vote,” Ben Willmott, head of public policy at CIPD, said.

“Hopefully, as the political and economic situation becomes clearer, this will subside. But in the short term, there is a clear need for UK employers to do more to engage with their workforce about the likely effects of Brexit on their organization,” Willmott said.

A total of 22% of employees said they felt less secure in their role as a result of the referendum (rising to 33% in the public sector), while 21% felt they needed to learn new skills.

“Employers can start by being open with their employees about any challenges ahead and, if they invest in training and skills for their workforce, they can boost productivity while showing that their staff are valued,” Frances O’Grady, general secretary at TUC (National Trade Union), said.

“It’s vital that employers do not allow the uncertainty around Brexit to cause them to cut back on training and development for the benefit of their staff as well as the resilience of their organisation as a whole in the months of uncertainty ahead," O’Grady said.

“The knock-on effect of greater confidence that the UK is open for business will make everyone feel more secure in their jobs. As for public sector workers, who were among the least confident in their job security, they have to be reassured that the new government is preparing to invest in public services – not start a new round of damaging cuts,” O’Grady said.