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Spain — Unemployment among foreign workers is down

07 September 2009

In the middle of one of the worst recessions Spain has ever suffered unemployment among foreign workers is down whilst unemployment among Spanish-born individuals is up, Expansion reports.

During the period from January to August 2009 unemployment among Spanish-born workers was up by 219,403 individuals whilst unemployment among foreign workers was down by 38,970 individuals.

In general, unemployment among foreign workers in Spain is almost double that of Spanish-born individuals: 28% as opposed to 16% for Spaniards. The overall unemployment rate is 18.1%.
Not even the Spanish government dares to make predictions on what is going to happen when Prime Minister Zapatero's 8 billion Euro aid package (Plan E) for the public construction sector runs out in the Autumn. Once the work is finished so will be the job contracts, which are almost 100% temporary contracts.

The construction industry employs 17% of foreign workers. According to the Association of Large Temporary Employment Agencies (Agett), 88% of job lossses in August were caused by the fact that Plan E is coming to an end.

The highly seasonal hotel sector employs 22% of foreign workers and huge job losses are predicted once the tourist season is over.