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OSHA keeps heightened focus on temp worker safety initiatives (Business Insurance)

December 19, 2018

The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s heightened focus on the safety of temporary workers has not eased under the Trump administration, and both staffing companies and host employers should be aware of what the agency expects them to do to keep these workers safe, Business Insurance reports. OSHA’s continued focus on temporary worker safety makes it critical for staffing agencies to perform their due diligence, experts say. “Before they send an employee out to a host company, the staffing company should do some type of an assessment of the jobs that are going to be done and the potential hazards that the employees they are providing to the host company are going to face,” Jeff Corder told Business Insurance. Corder is VP of loss control at AmTrust North America, a workers’ compensation insurer that writes coverage for staffing agencies.