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Human cloud firms must do more for workers, CEO writes: minimum wage, ‘Medicare for All’

July 19, 2019

Human cloud firms must do more for their workers, according to an editorial by Bastian Lehmann, co-founder and CEO of San Francisco-based human cloud delivery firm Postmates. Lawmakers must also clarify the rules on who is an independent contractor.

Technology alone can’t fix these challenges, wrote Lehmann in the editorial that first appeared on CNN.

“We need a comprehensive approach that ends this confusion [over IC classification] and empowers gig workers without taking away their flexibility or ability to innovate,” according to the editorial.

To help put things right, Lehmann made several suggestions, including giving human cloud workers a greater voice and ensuring they are paid at least the legal minimum wage.

Postmates’ Lehmann wrote human cloud firms should also pay into an industrywide fund to make sure gig workers have benefits such as on-the-job accident insurance, career development programs, disability, long-term retirement savings and healthcare.

He also called for firms to advocate for reforms such as “Medicare for All.”

In turn, lawmakers should clarify the rules for human cloud firms, such as who is an independent contractor.

Lehmann refers to the human cloud — electronically mediated work via online platforms — as the “gig economy” in his editorial. Staffing Industry Analysts’ definition of gig economy encompasses all forms of contingent work from online staffing to traditional agency temporary workers with the human cloud referring more specifically to the online platform work.