Staffing 100 Europe
The Staffing 100 Europe list recognizes those European staffing leaders whose significant accomplishments and vision are shaping the world of work.

Peter Searle
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Peter Searle, executive chairman of Norman Broadbent, started his career in IT recruitment in 1988 and quickly became a key leader in the staffing and contingent labour industry. With 34 years of experience, Searle served as CEO for various companies across the vertical. He assumed his role on Norman Broadbent’s board in June 2021; he was executive chairman of Airswift from 2018 to 2021 and chairman of Hiring Hub from January 2020 until November 2022. Looking ahead, Searle plans to continue supporting Norman Broadbent’s leadership by promoting growth within the business, with a focus on evolving company culture to add further value to the organisation.