Your staffing insights, earlier than ever
Your staffing insights, earlier than ever

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Regular readers of this newsletter may spot a change today: It’s landing in your inbox earlier than ever before. From now on, Global Daily News — Americas and CWS Global Daily News — Americas will land in your inbox by about 12 p.m. Eastern time, 9 a.m. Pacific.
Why the change? We listened to you. You told us you value the newsletter (thank you!). You told us it’s an essential part of your workday. And you told us you needed your staffing-related news earlier.
This shift ensures our award-winning journalism and analysis become an even more important part of your mornings, your business meetings and your conversations with clients and colleagues.
What happens if news breaks after 9 am? Don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. Our editorial team will continue producing news throughout the day. Please check our website regularly for updates that may impact your industry and company.
This change only affects the Americas version of Global Daily News. If you receive our EMEA or APAC versions, they will continue to arrive at about 1:30 p.m. GMT and 6:30 a.m. UST, respectively. If you don’t already subscribe to these editions, you can sign up here: Become a Subscriber.
The SIA editorial team welcomes your feedback. Please reach out to us at [email protected].