UT Aim proposes ranking system for temporary staff
UT Aim proposes ranking system for temporary staff

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UT Aim, a Japanese firm providing manufacturing outsourcing services to electronics manufacturers, is starting an initiative to jointly operate a ranking system with the client companies, reports the Labor Newspaper Company (translated from Japanese). The ranking system would be based on annual promotion and salary increase evaluations and twice-yearly bonus payments in order to ensure the retention of indefinite-term engineers dispatched to semiconductor-related companies. The company is proposing the system to existing clients one by one. It added that it has already received agreement from multiple companies to start operation in about a year.
The system is based on a total of six grades, with grades 3 and above considered full-fledged, and in consultation with the dispatching company, the expected roles and skills are set for each grade. The minimum monthly wage for each grade is determined based on factors such as the expected years of experience.