Union lands remote work guarantee for Google contract workers
Union lands remote work guarantee for Google contract workers
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The Alphabet Workers Union-CWA announced Dec. 18 that it reached a collective labor agreement with Accenture. It guarantees the workers fully remote work and 30-day notice of layoffs, among other things.
It’s the union’s first collective agreement with Accenture.
The group included in the agreement comprises 26 workers, according to the union. Originally, the group included 118 Google Help workers, who voted to form a union in June 2023. However, all but 40 were laid off, and only 26 remain.
“This contract is proof that full-time and contract workers can unite to secure meaningful protections and improvements at work and that the wall-to-wall, premajority union model can be a force for change in our industry,” Parul Koul, software engineer and president of Alphabet Workers Union-CWA, said in a press release.
The union aims to organize both contingent and traditionally employed workers at Google.
Provisions of the contract include:
- Guaranteed fully remote work
- Six weeks of severance in the event of layoffs
- 30-day notice of layoffs
- A prohibition on keystroke and mouse monitoring software
The Google Help workers in the group write, edit and publish updates to the Google Support site for new and existing Google products and features. They also create and publish materials for Google Support agents.
Accenture has been contacted for comment.