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Scots may need to forget remote work if they want a promotion

Scots may need to forget remote work if they want a promotion

SIA Editorial Staff
| November 13, 2024

Main article

A majority of employers in Scotland, 61%, are more likely to give promotions to employees who are present in the office, according to a survey by Robert Half.

However, the professional staffing firm’s survey found that 22% of workers in Scotland said they value remote work more than a promotion. And 20% of workers would look for a new job.

“While business leaders clearly place value on in-office attendance when it comes to career development in their workforces, it would appear that staff themselves value flexibility over promotions,” Reggie McMahon, branch director of Scotland at Robert Half, said in a press release.

“We are still in a core transition period where the right balance for all is being defined, but it is key that employers are mindful of the tough labor market that we are still facing,” McMahon said. “Skills shortages remain rife, and firms that aren’t recognizing what it is that workers want will lose out in the war for talent both now and in the immediate future.”

Robert Half’s survey included 1,000 employees and 500 hiring managers across Scotland.