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Job openings rise in 3 states

Job openings rise in 3 states

Amrita Ahuja
| January 20, 2025
United States of America USA map outline with stars and lines abstract framework.

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Job openings rose in California, Texas and North Carolina in November, according to new data released Jan. 17 by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Meanwhile, Colorado and Maine saw decreases in job openings. There was little change in the 45 other states.

In California, job openings rose by 98,000. Texas job opening rose by 82,000. Openings rose by 53,000 in North Carolina.

In Colorado, the number of job openings fell by 92,000, while Maine saw a decrease of 7,000.


The number of hires in November fell in six states and held steady in 44 states and the District of Columbia.

The largest decreases in hire level occurred in Texas, down 128,000; Tennessee, down 27,000; and Colorado, down 24,000. On a national level, the number of hires changed little over the month.


The number of quits decreased in six states and remained little changed in 44 states and the District of Columbia in November.

Arizona reported the largest drop, down 31,000, followed by New York, down 29,000. Indiana, Ohio and Tennessee each experienced a decrease of 19,000. Nationally, quits fell by 218,000.

Separately, the number of layoffs and discharges fell in three states, rose in three and changed little in 44 states and the District of Columbia in November.

The biggest decreases in layoffs and discharges occurred in Texas, down 38,000; Colorado, down 27,000; and Minnesota, down 13,000. On the flip side, California posted an increase of 82,000 in layoffs and discharges, while New York and Michigan rose by 40,000 and 23,000, respectively. Nationally, the number of layoffs and discharges remained little changed.

The Labor Department now provides an interactive chart with more information from its Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey.