Job ads in Australia tumble 20.8% in July
Job ads in Australia tumble 20.8% in July
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Job advertisements in Australia were 20.8% lower year-on-year in July 2024 on a seasonally adjusted basis, according to ANZ-Indeed job ads data published on ANZ Bank.
ANZ-Indeed Australian Job Ads fell 3.0% month-on-month in July. In trend terms, the series was down 2.7% month-on-month. While ANZ-Indeed Job Ads has fallen 28.6% from its peak in November 2022, the series is still 13.3% above pre-pandemic levels.
ANZ Economist, Madeline Dunk, said in a press release, “ANZ-Indeed Australian Job Ads recorded its sixth consecutive monthly decline in July, with the series down 16.7% since January. This points to continued cooling in the labour market.”
Indeed senior economist, Callam Pickering, said in a press release, “In July, the decline in ANZ-Indeed Job Ads was once again concentrated in Victoria and New South Wales. Falls in other states were more modest. The nation’s two most populous states account for around 86% of the total decline in Job Ads over the past year.
“Recent declines in Job Ads have reflected reduced demand in education, food preparation & service and nursing. Over the past three months, Job Ads have fallen for 57% of occupational categories. Among those bucking the national trend, with Job Ads rising, have been physicians & surgeons and banking & finance,” Pickering said.
ANZ’s data is based on information provided by the operators of the following sites: Indeed ( (2018–ongoing); Workforce Australia, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations ( and previous iterations (1999-ongoing).