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France’s temporary workforce falls 6.2% in October

France’s temporary workforce falls 6.2% in October

Danny Romero
| December 9, 2024

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The number of temporary workers in France fell by 6.2% in October 2024 compared to the same period a year ago, according to the latest Prism’emploi barometer.

The 6.2% fall follows September’s 6.7% annual decline and in line with the average for the first ten months of the year (-6.7%). 

Prism’emploi’s barometer noted that the use of temporary workers is trending downward in all user sectors.

Temporary employment decreased year-on-year in trade (-2.4%), construction (-3.0%), transport (-5.2%), industry (-7.1%) and services (-9.6%).

By qualification and year-on-year, temporary employment decreased among unskilled workers (-3.7%), skilled workers (-6.2%), managers and intermediate professions (-8.8%) and employees (-10.7%).

Meanwhile, all metropolitans except for PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) saw a decline year-on-year. PACA saw a slight uptick of 0.8% in October, supported by growth in the trade and transport-logistics sectors. On the other hand, in Normandy (-10.2%) and Centre-Val de Loire (-10.6%), temporary employment saw the steepest declines.