Australian job ads down 6.6% in April
Australian job ads down 6.6% in April
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Job advertisements in Australia fell by 6.6% year-on-year in April 2024 on a seasonally adjusted basis, according to ANZ-Indeed job ads data published on ANZ Bank.
ANZ-Indeed Australian Job Ads rose 2.8% month-on-month in April after falling 1.0% month-on-month in March. In trend terms, the series was up 0.7% over the month.
While ANZ-Indeed Job Ads has fallen 14.3% from its peak in November 2022, the series is still 36.5% higher than pre-pandemic levels.
ANZ Economist, Madeline Dunk, said, “2023’s downward trend in ANZ-Indeed Job Ads has stalled in 2024, at least for now. The series has risen 3.9% since its recent trough in November last year, and the three-month moving average has been steady over the past few months.”
Indeed Senior Economist, Callam Pickering said, “In April, ANZ-Indeed Job Ads were pushed higher by strength in South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland, which offset a weaker result in New South Wales.”
“Healthcare job ads were a drag on national growth in April, led by nursing and physicians, but that is expected to be short-lived,” Pickering said. “This was offset in April by relatively broad-based growth elsewhere. Job ads are still down across most sectors over the past year, led by sizeable declines across software development, management and administration opportunities.”