Acceptable Use Policy
Acceptable Use Policy
Our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) establishes guidelines for how all content from Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) may be used, shared and republished. SIA will contact any users who violate AUP terms.

General Guidelines
Guidance for specific SIA content use is available in their dedicated sections. Following are some general guidelines to observe:
- Always Ask First. Contact Marketing Communications Manager Lindsey McKee for required reviews, approvals and additional acceptable use inquiries prior to using any SIA content.
- Citing Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA). Spell out SIA’s full name on first reference with our acronym immediately following in parentheses. SIA may then be used in all subsequent references. “Staffing Industry Analysts” and “SIA” should never be preceded by “the” in any reference.
- Content Titles. Use the exact title of the content being cited along with the content’s publication date. If the content is part of a larger SIA publication – such as Staffing Stream or a Certification & Training program – please cite the larger publication as well. Digitally, titles should hyperlink to the corresponding SIA webpage.
- Disclaimer Paragraph. If SIA is the only source you are citing, please include the following paragraph: The content cited here is provided by Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA), the global research and advisory firm focused on staffing and workforce solutions. The company’s proprietary research covers all categories of employed and non-employed work. Please visit for more information.
- SIA Logo. The primary SIA logo as well as any conference or list logos are not available for use without SIA permission. SIA Members may use the member-specific logo provided to them upon joining. Logo licensing is available for select lists. Logos provided by SIA cannot be altered in any way.
- Social Media Sharing. SIA content on our webpages may be linked in social media shares by tagging Staffing Industry Analysts on LinkedIn and @SIAnalysts on Instagram and X. Post text should only share publicly available information that can be accessed without an SIA Member login.
The majority of SIA Research is proprietary and exclusively available to SIA Members. Complimentary reports accessed without a member login may be sourced with proper citation outlined in the AUP General Guidelines.
- Report Republication Prohibited. SIA reports cannot be re-published in full on websites, social media or other platforms. Certain reports are available for SIA Member licensing.
- Limited Use. Subject to approval, limited portions of proprietary data, analysis or findings may be used with proper citation. Contact Marketing Communications Manager Lindsey McKee.
- Research-Based Lists. SIA’s research team publishes a variety of industry lists. These are objectively compiled using verified data and information.
- List Logo Licensing. Logos for organizations included on research lists are available by contacting Sales Manager Lauren Melesio. Logos provided by SIA cannot be altered in any way.
News & Editorial
SIA’s Global Daily News and Editorial Publications may be sourced with proper citation and the disclaimer paragraph outlined in the AUP General Guidelines.
- Two-Line Limit. Please have no more than two lines of the news or editorial item visible on your website. Always link back to the original news item.
- Citation. Proper citation includes magazine issue, article title, and author in addition to a link to the article.
- Magazine Reprints. Staffing Industry Review magazine reprints are available by contacting Sales Manager Lauren Melesio.
- List Logo Licensing. Logos for individuals and organizations recognized on select SIA Who’s Who lists are available by contacting Sales Manager Lauren Melesio. Logos provided by SIA cannot be altered in any way.
Branding and content from SIA Conferences, Staffing Webinars, and Buyer Webinars are subject to the terms of this AUP, including sessions and logos.
- Conference Sessions and Webinar Content. Distribution of full recordings and presentations is prohibited. Subject to approval, limited portions of conference and webinar content may be used with proper attribution to SIA as well as any guest speakers where applicable.
- Conference Branding Use. Branding from our conferences – including logos and imagery – are only available for use by conference sponsors. Attendees cannot republish or reproduce SIA conference branding. Misrepresentation of being an SIA sponsor, vendor or other partner is prohibited. Logos provided by SIA cannot be altered in any way.
- SIA Booked Speaking Engagements. As our data is proprietary, distribution of full recordings and presentations of speaking engagements featuring SIA speakers is prohibited. Subject to approval, limited portions of content from the speaking engagement may be used with proper attribution to SIA as well as any guest speakers where applicable.
Certification & Training
All Certification & Training materials are the sole property of SIA or its content delivery partners. Materials such as reference guides, course documentation, and exams cannot be republished or reproduced.
- Live Training Content. Distribution of full recordings and presentations is prohibited.
- Limited Use. Subject to approval, limited portions of certification and training materials may be used with proper attribution to SIA and its partners where applicable.