Staffing 100 North America
The Staffing 100 North America list celebrates the remarkable leaders whose influence and accomplishments elevate the workforce solutions ecosystem and take the industry forward.

Myla Ramos
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As CEO and president of SearchPros Solutions, Myla Ramos has grown the company from a three-person office in Sacramento to a global MSP with contractors in nine countries. SearchPros received multiple accolades in 2016, including Small Business of the Year for the US National Chamber of Commerce and Small Business Administration (Region 9) and Supplier of the Year for the National Minority Supplier Diversity Council (NMSDC’s Western Regional Council). Ramos was awarded Woman of the Year 2016 by the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO-Sacramento) and was a finalist for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Ramos heads SearchPros’ many philanthropic efforts, including sponsoring holidays and job training for residents of a local women and children’s shelter.