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Staffing 100 North America

The Staffing 100 North America list celebrates the remarkable leaders whose influence and accomplishments elevate the workforce solutions ecosystem and take the industry forward.  

2017 Staffing 100 North America

Logan Green

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As CEO and co-founder of San-Francisco based ride-sharing company Lyft, Logan Green has a grand vision for the future of transportation. Logan and his founding partner, John Zimmer, launched the human cloud company in 2012. Lyft originated out of Zimride, a long-distance ridesharing company founded by the two in 2007, which was built to create a more social, sustainable and affordable transportation system. He found the inspiration for Zimride in Zimbabwe, where carpooling is a common form of transportation among neighbors. Today, Lyft provides more than 17 million rides a month and operates out of more than 200 cities across the US. Green envisions a future where people will stop buying cars and will instead use apps for transportation.