Staffing 100 North America
The Staffing 100 North America list celebrates the remarkable leaders whose influence and accomplishments elevate the workforce solutions ecosystem and take the industry forward.

Jason Ezratty
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Jason Ezratty, co-founder and president of Brightfield Strategies, often says “your data is trying to tell you something.” Brightfield provides data services and workforce strategy consulting to help Fortune 100 companies design and implement contingent labor programs, and Ezratty drives the strategy and R&D behind the company’s service and data offerings. Ezratty also helped define the contingent workforce industry lexicon and is regarded as one of the key forward thinkers in CW evolvement and management. Additionally, he drove the creation of the Talent Data Exchange (TDX), a membership-based data service and analytics platform that enables companies to develop, validate and modify their workforce strategies and compare them with their competition.