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Staffing 100 North America

The Staffing 100 North America list celebrates the remarkable leaders whose influence and accomplishments elevate the workforce solutions ecosystem and take the industry forward.  

2016 Staffing 100 North America

Edward A. Lenz

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As senior counsel for the American Staffing Association, Edward A. Lenz, Esq., is one of the US’ leading authorities on the legal and public policy aspects of employment services and workforce outsourcing. In 2014, Lenz joined Boston-based law firm Mintz Levin as senior advisor for employment, labor and benefits. Lenz joined ASA in 1989 as its first general counsel and was the staffing industry’s chief legal and legislative advocate as senior VP for legal and public affairs. He led the industry’s advocacy efforts before Congress and the Obama administration regarding the Affordable Care Act’s effects on staffing businesses.