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Contingent Workforce (CW) Program Game Changers

These forward-thinking contingent workforce management professionals are evolving the global world of contingent work through their innovation, determination, and ability to change the game.

2019 CW Program Game Changers

Brett Klinker

Contingent Workforce Manager, Uber

Honoree Profile

Brett Klinker is a senior contingent workforce manager at Uber, responsible for global temp labor sourcing solutions and supplier management strategy in a company that boasts tens of thousands of contractors. With a role that blends procurement and HR within a fast-paced company, Klinker is used to thinking on his feet. “I come in for the day with a plan and by 10 a.m. it goes out the window,” he says. “It makes for a super interesting career.” He also notes that Uber is continually under the spotlight, so it’s important that the company and his program always strive to do the right thing  by its contractors and lead by example.

Having such a large base of contractors requires Uber to stay on top of changes within the CW ecosystem. Quarterly meetings with buyers and program owners help ensure that Uber always keeps current with shifting trends, especially with the rise of the gig economy and the increased number of workers who want to remain project-based.

Klinker also has his sights set on expansion, overseeing a national expansion effort that resulted in over 2,700 new contractors in just under 12 months. In addition, he also moved from a high-cost staffing model to an RPO model using agencies to recruit, and  low-cost payroll providers as the employers of record, resulting in millions in savings. Klinker calls it “a huge win for our partners and the business.”