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Transparency Is Key – Recruiting From a Glass Box

Staffing Stream

Transparency Is Key – Recruiting From a Glass Box

Peter Gold
| April 2, 2018
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Transparency is vital for organizations in 2018. Companies can no longer hide behind closed doors, and if they do, the consequences can be great.

For instance, in the last year, companies such as Uber and Google have come under fire. Uber was hacked and hid it and Google was sued for gender discrimination, resulting in a breakdown of consumer trust and a significant amount of negative attention for both companies. This trust breakdown also affects these companies’ ability to hire – after all, it wouldn’t be a surprise to hear someone doesn’t want to work for Uber after its many scandals. Organizations must ensure they are transparent with their customers and employees, if they want to remain an attractive employer – and HR is a critical part of this.

Recruitment and talent development are two of HR’s biggest priorities this year and transparency is key to both. Job seekers, particularly new graduates, want processes to be clear and for recruiters to be honest throughout the application process. If your company can comply with this, then you’ll be one step closer to attracting top talent and guaranteeing your future workforce.

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So, how can HR make the recruitment process more transparent?

Set expectations. Does your organization offer flexible working? Or do you require employees to be at the office? Does the job require employees to work over the weekend or late at night? Do people leave at 5 p.m. on a Friday or do they work late?

None of the answers to these questions are wrong, but employers must be frank about what the job requires. Be honest and upfront and make sure the candidate knows what’s required of them – the good, the bad and the ugly. Being forthright about your company and its culture will make the candidate feel at ease and more comfortable about the job they’re applying for and will help you find the right people prepared to do the required tasks.

Use social media. Social media has connected the world, with 48%of the UK population now having active social media accounts and 48% spending on average 1.5 hours per day on social platforms. Social sites like LinkedIn and Glassdoor have enabled people to connect quickly and share information about companies far more simply than ever, but this also means that dishonest job descriptions or bad companies are quickly found out by candidates.

Recruiters should use social media for attracting talent in an honest manner. They can generate interesting and creative job descriptions that intrigue people, strike up friendly conversations over LinkedIn and present the company in a transparent way. Not only will this attract talent, but it will ensure your credibility.

Talk to candidates. Increased communication between recruiters and candidates is key during the recruitment process and will improve the candidate experience and reflect well on your company. Send calendar invites for interviews and quick application progress emails to improve transparency and differentiate your company from the competition.

In an era when consumers can track every stage of their next-day delivery from their phone, candidates will expect regular updates on their application. Companies should implement platforms that allow candidates to check their progress, what the next steps are and any additional information they may need in order to make the process as clear as possible.

Consider their personal data. All companies must comply to the new GDPR by May 2018. When expanding your talent pool, it’s important to consider a candidate’s personal data and handle it with care. Not only will organizations avoid fines if they comply, but it also shows that your company cares about its candidates’ privacy. This demonstrates a level of respect and starts the recruiter-candidate relationship on a more trusting basis.

HR must move away from generic job descriptions and ineffective recruiter-candidate relationships and focus on the candidate experience instead. Having a bad reputation can seriously affect your organization’s hiring abilities and result in a lack of talent applying for roles – something that impacts the whole business in the end.

Be upfront and honest about the application progress and strive to keep communications clear to improve candidate satisfaction and company reputation. You’ll end up with an easier recruitment process and a happier workforce.

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