Remote work requires an inclusive culture and the right kind of training
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Remote work requires an inclusive culture and the right kind of training

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It’s probably no great surprise that remote work is the new normal for a majority of internal staffing personnel.
More than half, 56%, work remotely three or more days per week, according to data shared by SIA Chief Analyst Barry Asin during Executive Summit North America, which is being held this week in Las Vegas. In addition, 45% of internal workers are remote all five days per week.
I got the opportunity today to sit down with Kyle Morey-Leber, chief strategy officer at healthcare staffing firm Lucid Solutions, and learn more about his views of the pros of remote work — the ability to hire from anywhere, allowing workers to work from a preferred location — and also some things to keep in mind.
“You have to have an inclusive culture,” he told me. “You have to have a culture that people want to seek their teeth into.”
In terms of culture, it’s more than just a job at Lucid Solutions, Morey-Leber said. Their team is focused on positively impacting the lives of clinicians. It’s important to hire people who are on board with the mission, and it’s also important to keep people engaged, he added.
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Morey-Leber also led a discussion table on remote work at the Executive Solutions, discussing tips and challenges when it comes to doing it right.
For example, Lucid Solutions’ team is 100% remote and meets up online every day with cameras on during the meetings, he explained. Those meetings allow workers to check in and discuss what went well and where they may have had a challenge.
It’s important to talk about both what went right and what didn’t so the meetings are a safe place where even things that didn’t go well are discussed. When it comes to remote work, it can be tempting to hide difficulties, Morey-Leber said. However, it’s important to discuss them, and people need to feel comfortable asking questions.
“The worst thing to have is a remote employee who is not seeking help,” he told me. “I always get concerned when it’s too quiet.”
Lucid Solutions also brings its team together once a quarter in addition to the daily online meetings.
Training is also different when it comes to remote work.
“The biggest challenge I think people will run into is training,” Morey-Leber said. “It’s a lot of different.” Managers have to make time to work with employees, including listening into calls. It takes a very hands-on approach and check-ins with employees.
Hiring new grads for remote positions can also be challenging, as they may not yet have experience in the world of work. Morey-Leber said he hires people who have had a previous job where they had clear responsibilities and had to find intrinsic motivation.
Remote work is just one subject being discussed at the Executive Forum. Everything from AI to M&A is also on the table. The event continues through Thursday, and I’m looking forward to hearing more buzz about what’s going on in the industry.