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Quality During Recruitment: The Only Thing To Ensure!

Staffing Stream

Quality During Recruitment: The Only Thing To Ensure!

September 18, 2015
Job interview

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With the advent of technology so efficient that learning can be done quickly and easily, specialisms in any industry are thriving to exist. Candidates with skills-set that suit a number of profiles are increasingly swooping in the competitive job market. And of course, that is the need of the hour.

Employers would prefer any day an all-around candidate, rather than one who stayed within the confines of his field-based expertise only. However, be it a long-term hire or a contractual one, given that you provide the right work environment, an employee would learn quickly, anyway.

But, there’s a world of difference between a candidate correctly matched to the profile and one who’s struggling to be in resonance with the work standards.

Hence, mentioned here are a few such tips to help you ensure quality during recruitment and hence, better staffing for your organization or clients.

Form a Pre-Recruitment Strategy. Many employers often end up getting dates, data and candidates in a mess because they lack a pre-recruitment strategy.  Hence, before you begin with the hiring, ponder over a plan relevant to how different people fit into your organization — like how to make sure a candidate is the right fit for your company’s work culture.

In addition to this, the panel responsible for screening candidates should also be carefully selected after putting in due thought and investing a good number of training hours. Things like pre-employment testing should also be discussed with your HR department, so that you understand the training needs of every candidate who makes it through.

PREMIUM CONTENT: September SI Report Webinar replay

Increase Your Search Bandwidth. A decade ago it was nearly impossible to even think about the concept of a “remote staff.” Companies found it difficult to have an off-site employee who works for the company full time.  However, with considerable growth in cloud computing and things like video conferencing, hiring managers are no longer confined to hunt for candidates in close proximity to your company’s office.

Technology always gives you the upper edge to work in compliance with smooth communication and collaboration, the exact things you need to make the campaign efficiently effective. Look up on social media websites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Facebook, there definitely are candidates that don’t fall in your network(s), but have every skill to score a job and suit the vacant profile nevertheless.

Put Some Finesse in Those Job Descriptions. This might just be the first step to attracting the right candidates while launching your recruitment campaign. Every job description rolled out should clearly indicate all that the job profile entails. Quality often suffers when candidates find it difficult to comprehend the job descriptions and make assumptions without giving serious thought over the roles and duties.

Your job descriptions should clearly reflect the duties and the skills-set required for the position.  It might also speak about any relevant experience that separates one applicant from another. Though it sounds basic, you will see better results.

All Your Interviews Should Be Well-Structured. One of the most significant elements of making the right hire is ensuring the interview happens in the most organized and structured way possible. While you might think about skipping the structured interview questions and go for those off-the-cuff questions that seem more natural and practical, the guides designed for the interview are developed by job content experts, to make each question relevant to the profile requirement.

These are developed to target and gauge specific competencies, and generally are 1.5 times more precise than the unstructured interview questions that arise in the spur of the moment. Not only would it ensure quality, but save a huge chunk of time for you to look into other aspects as well.

While, it seems a bit tedious to go into the details, but assessing all your candidates on the basis of dependable assessment tools will help you recognize all core behavioral traits and cognitive reasoning skills that you need to gauge, in a highly efficacious manner.

The bottom line is, it’s just a matter of ensuring a few basics. The rest falls in place by itself.

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