Leadership Wellness and Resilience
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Leadership Wellness and Resilience

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Over the past couple of years, it has become more important for leaders to not only focus on their own leadership wellness and personal resilience but also to increase support to their team members in the same key areas.
According to the World Health Organization, since the Covid-19 pandemic, significant declines in mental health have been observed among all employment groups compared to pre-Covid levels in North America. There is also evidence that suggests a link between economic downturns and changes in mental health, which is a further concern as leaders face the economic uncertainty of 2023 and beyond.
Leaders need to be armed with increased knowledge, best practices and new resources to navigate these trends in mental health. Recently I reached out to Wellness Professional and SoundLeadership Associate Connie De Lio to discuss the latest findings. Connie, a leading expert in this area, has developed the following seven work-life skills for self care.
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Conserve your energy - The practice of spending your time effectively to achieve your goals.
Manage your time - Setting personal boundaries to support a work-life balance and remembering to fill your own cup first.
Expand your supporters - Identifying key helpers, supporters and advisors. Don’t forget to ask for help when you need it.
Build your confidence - Taking note of your strengths and experience dealing with uncertainty, challenges and change.
Appreciate simple pleasures - Identifying and putting into practice the activities that bring you joy, satisfaction and fulfillment.
Guard your health - Putting a plan in place that works for you, including (but not limited to) fitness, nutrition and mindfulness.
Me in ‘23 - Finally, prioritizing yourself in 2023 to support your well-being.
If you are interested in a workshop for your team on this topic, Connie will be offering this training through SoundLeadership in 2023.
If you would like to discuss developing your team or speak to me about your personal leadership resilience, reach out to me at sandi (at) soundleadership (dot) ca.