How to Thrive in a Post-Pandemic World with an MSP
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How to Thrive in a Post-Pandemic World with an MSP

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The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically changed the job market for the foreseeable future. Tens of thousands of businesses have permanently closed since the outbreak in March, resulting in 6.7% of the US population being currently unemployed. That’s almost double the average of 2019. But thankfully, not all sectors have been hit equally.
Among those going strong are managed service providers. In fact, some are even doing better than ever before, with Statista anticipating that the MSP sector will continue to grow well into 2025.
Why MSPs are pandemic-proof
To stop the spread of the virus, many businesses were forced to switch from working within offices to working remotely. While some struggled to get used to working this way, many firms are now enjoying the powerful benefits that come from remote work.
As company owners grow comfortable with staff working remotely, they become more open to other new ways of working, such as outsourcing departments to Managed Service Providers.
For the past year, MSPs have been helping businesses stay afloat and even grow during an exceptionally tough time by providing them with high quality staff for an affordable price in a hassle-free way. Here are the main benefits of MSPs and why they’ve grown in popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Predictable costs. At a time when nothing is certain, it’s comforting for businesses to know their MSP costs will remain consistent. When working this way, you don’t need to budget for freelance contractors to cover sick employees nor new hardware when old equipment will no longer do. MSPs provide clear pricing, pandemic or no pandemic.
PREMIUM CONTENT: MSP Global Landscape and Differentiators 2020
More affordable. 2020 was the year almost every business had to cut back on unnecessary costs. Switching from traditional inhouse IT teams to remote MSPs was a quick and easy way for many firms to do this. When working with an MSP, you don’t need to set aside money for hiring, training or managing staff. Business owners get instant access to experts for an affordable retainer.
Less legal responsibility. Covid-19 forced some businesses to lay staff off for arguably unethical reasons, while other firms struggled with responding when staff didn’t want to return to work over fears of contracting the virus. These unusual situations led to complicated and expensive lawsuits.
When you work with an MSP, it’s the provider that is responsible for ensuring their practices are legally compliant, freeing up inhouse HR departments to concentrate on more important jobs.
Future-proof technology. Technology is developing faster than ever and it can be incredibly expensive for firms to keep up with the latest software and equipment. To provide their clients with the best possible service, MSPs always acquire the latest technology and qualified staff who know how to use it.
By working with an MSP, you gain access to the latest tech as soon as it’s released without having to pay for it directly. You also avoid the fees associated with ongoing upgrades and maintenance. If you ever have to reduce your spending, working with an MSP will mean you can do so without having to cut back on important technology.
Data protection. Cybercriminals thrived in 2020, when an increase in people working remotely for the first time gave them ample opportunity to carry out cyberattacks. Hacks, viruses and ransomware resulted in significant downtime and fines for small and large businesses across the globe.
MSPs are experts at keeping essential data safe and providing continuity for their clients. In the event of data loss or a cyberattack, MSPs ensure all important data can be quickly recovered and restored so businesses can get back online as soon as possible.
How to stay ahead
The best way to ensure your business will survive the remainder of the pandemic and come out on top when it’s all over is to make the switch to working with MSPs today. Even after Covid-19 is a thing of the past, Managed Service Providers will help you save money, gain access to industry experts, benefit from the latest technology and ensure business continuity.
Use this new way of working to get ahead of the competition today and make 2021 the year you succeeded where others failed.