The New Customer: Cultivating Talent
Staffing Industry Review
The New Customer: Cultivating Talent

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Seventy-six percent of human capital leaders were planning to invest in a growth strategy that included hiring contingent workers this year, according to a survey of C-suite and human capital leaders around the world conducted by Randstad Sourceright. That’s not surprising, given unemployment is at historic lows, and the lack of available skilled workers looking for full-time jobs is driving a demand for temporary, contract or freelance workers. As a result, staffing agencies are cultivating contingent talent, popularly referred to as “gig workers,” to meet the booming demand.
While trying to balance their professional lives against potential instability, gig workers often find little time to focus on the things that will best position them to land their next role - such as developing skills, perfecting resumes and applying for jobs.
To help gig workers burnish their credentials and land the next role, staffing agencies today are using a number of methods to keep them engaged and proactive in their gig work pursuits. Here are a few of the strategies you can use to engage contingent talent:
Talent communities. Contingent workers who pass an initial vetting process are welcomed into an exclusive talent community where they receive access to the best and most suitable job opportunities, along with personalized assistance while navigating their search process. Talent is able to enroll in job notifications based on their specific skill set and preferred geography. Our dedicated sourcing team at Randstad Sourceright is also conducting daily sourcing activities to help match talent to open opportunities to ensure candidates connect more quickly to jobs, which equates to a win-win for all involved.
Tailored job leads. Talent community members do not have to spend countless hours searching for the right job. They receive regular emails about job opportunities specific to their skill sets and the type of work they want to pursue. Additionally, members are privy to content with a range of employment tips relevant to their industries, such as insights on what employers are looking for, and advice on how to stand out from the competition.
Personalized résumé assistance. Members of a talent community benefit from coaches that work through résumés to maximize their attractiveness to potential employers based on the worker’s desired industry. Randstad, and our partner companies at Monster and outplacement services firm RiseSmart, provide expert résumé services to ensure a candidate can well articulate their subject matter expertise and skills to potential employers.
Marketing. As a staffing agency, it is not enough to let the talent’s résumé speak for itself. The best agencies actively market their contingent talent to potential employers. Randstad uses a sophisticated email marketing platform that shares the CVs of those candidates with in-demand skills. An individual résumé can potentially reach hundreds of hiring managers through a single targeted email deployment.
Access to benefits. As the percentage of gig workers in the labor market continues to grow, organizations will increasingly offer access to benefits traditionally reserved for employees. In fact, some companies are already offering healthcare and other benefits to their contingent workers. Staffing agencies can help workers navigate these benefits by creating talent microsites that house easy-to-use information about the benefits an employer offers. This will help talent understand what they’re eligible for and how to enroll in benefits programs, for instance. Getting paid is often a gig worker’s greatest ongoing challenge. Offering a streamlined payroll system is another way to engage and attract top talent.
As the war for talent continues, companies are doing what it takes to ensure they not only have the talent they need to get the project done, but to build a robust pipeline as well. Classifications aside, contingents or gig workers need to be wooed and made to feel that working for your brand is not just different, but exceptional.