RPO Explore RPO Benchmarks: RPO market share by occupational skill CWS 3.0 | SIA Editorial Staff | November 5, 2024 Finance and accounting along with industrial roles now account for the largest occupational skill categories in terms of the number of reported hires.Click to find out more Global RPO spend falls 5% to $8B SIA Editorial Staff | October 15, 2024 Following a year of reduced use, SIA expects enterprises’ spend through RPO to be flat in 2024.Click to find out more Benchmarks: Professional skills dominate RPO services SIA Editorial Staff | January 20, 2021 Recruitment process outsourcing is used most heavily for professional roles; however, providers meet needs ranging from apprenticeships to executive search.Click to find out more Why the RPO model is one answer to the post-Covid era Adrianne Nelson | November 11, 2020 Recruitment process outsourcing is a viable remote workforce solution. What it is, what it helps program owners do and how its use breaks down among programs.Click to find out more Is now the time to consider RPO? Jo Matkin | September 9, 2020 If you have discounted RPO in the past, you might want to take a second look. The economy may be shaky, but it is wise to prepare now for future needs.Click to find out more Back to the future Bryan Peña, CCWP | November 7, 2018 What’s past is prologue, as Shakespeare wrote. SIA’s Bryan Peña revisits predictions made in 2008 as he looks at what’s ahead for the industry now.Click to find out more Turning the tide SIA Editorial Staff | January 17, 2018 With slowed usage rates, expect RPO providers to evolve their service offerings. How they may leverage technology to do so.Click to find out more Is this the year talent wins the war? Bryan Peña, CCWP | January 3, 2018 From MSP offerings to how global expansion is approached, 2018 shows every sign of vast change for the ecosystem. In the end though, it boils down to talent winning the war.Click to find out more Start 2018 right: Resources to achieve program success Adrianne Nelson | January 3, 2018 Start the new year out right with the latest resources from SIA, guaranteed to make you and your program smarter as you begin 2018.Click to find out more Incomplete missions in 2017? Make them part of your 2018 program roadmap Dawn McCartney | November 29, 2017 Most companies have a formal performance review process that includes self-reflection on the part of the employee. Such a process can be applied at the program level to help map out the coming year.Click to find out more Previous articles 12 Next articles