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Benchmarks: Temp workers have little interest in talent platforms

CWS 3.0 - Contingent Workforce Strategies

Benchmarks: Temp workers have little interest in talent platforms

SIA Editorial Staff
| May 12, 2021
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Temps’ reported use of freelance platforms dropped in 2020. In aggregate, 6.7% of temporary workers surveyed reported being employed via either a consumer-related or business-related freelance platform to at least some degree in 2020, the lowest level of participation since SIA began measuring this in 2016.

The vast majority of temporary workers are either not yet familiar with (30%) or are familiar but not interested (58%) in freelance platforms primarily serving consumers (e.g., Lyft,, etc.).

The lack of awareness or interest in using business-related platforms (e.g.,, or was even more pronounced. Fifty-five percent of temporary workers participating the in the survey were not familiar with these platforms, while another 38% were familiar but not interested.

Source: North America Temporary Worker Survey 2020: Trends in temp use of talent platforms and work services platforms.