Benchmarks: Professional skills dominate RPO services
CWS 3.0 - Contingent Workforce Strategies
Benchmarks: Professional skills dominate RPO services

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According to the “RPO Global Landscape Summary” released last week by SIA, the RPO market predominantly serves professional roles, with information technology representing 17% of the market by number of reported hires. As the finance/insurance industry increases its demand for technology skills, SIA expects information technology to remain the largest occupational skill growth area.
Within a single ongoing contract, RPO providers will often deliver a different sourcing and selection model depending on the type of hiring they are undertaking. For example, volume hiring of contact-center employees will leverage a different approach than the hiring of specialist technical talent.
While many providers deliver all hiring types, from apprenticeship campaigns to executive search, experienced hires comprise the largest share of the market at 54%. Often, a provider will be engaged to deliver one hiring type and will take on further types as the RPO relationship develops.
Apprenticeship, internship, graduate and executive hiring represent only 18% of the RPO market today. Often the recruitment of these categories of hire are retained within the organization or, particularly in the case of executive hires, contracted to firms who specialize in this type of hiring. RPO providers who have a distinct executive hire offer and brand are more likely to report this service within the scope of their RPO deals.