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About Best Staffing Firms to Work For

Best Staffing Firms to Work For

Best Staffing Firms to Work For

Best Staffing Firms to Work For

The Best Staffing Firms to Work For list honors staffing firms of all sizes that have implemented practices that inspire their employees’ engagement, satisfaction, and professional growth. There are versions of the list for North America, the UK and Ireland.

The Best Staffing Firms to Temp For list honors firms in North America that excel at engaging contingent workers. Companies that appear on the Best Staffing Firms to Work For list have met qualifications based on company size and location, as well as the responses to a survey of internal employees. The survey measures key engagement categories that include communication and resources, individual needs, manager effectiveness, personal engagement, team dynamics and trust in leadership. Participating companies must have reached a minimum level of employee participation, based on total number of employees. Companies in each size category are ranked according to their overall composite score. Winners are chosen based on the survey results.

The Best Staffing Firms to Temp For list (for external workers) is ranked by their Net Promoter Scores. The NPS is based on temps’ responses to questions such as how likely it is they would recommend this staffing firm to a friend.

There is one grand prize winner per category; other winners are not ranked.

Who’s eligible:

Best Staffing Firms to Work For:

Companies that meet a minimum employee participation threshold in an employee engagement survey conducted by Quantum Workplace as part of SIA’s Best Staffing Firms to Work For competition.

Best Staffing Firms to Temp/Contract For:

Only those companies participating in the Best Staffing Firms to Work For are eligible to participate in the Best Staffing Firms to Temp For award program. All recent temporary/contract workers (i.e., those placed on assignment in the past six months) should be invited to participate.