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52% of North American IT firms to raise headcount

IT Staffing Report

52% of North American IT firms to raise headcount

July 9, 2014

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More than half of IT organizations are increasing IT staff headcount this year, and headcount will be increased by 1.0 percent at the median, according to the Computer Economics’ annual IT spending and staffing benchmarks study. The survey collects data from more than 200 IT organizations in the U.S. and Canada.

According to the survey, 52 percent of survey respondents plan to increase headcount; 17 percent plan to decrease headcount; and 31 percent expect no change.

The study found that, at the median, IT staff headcount will rise 1.0 percent this year, a significant movement for an indicator that has remained flat since 2007. The sector with the highest rise in IT staff headcount is financial services at 5.0 percent. It was followed by healthcare providers at 3.9 percent.

“The hiring is primarily concentrated in larger organizations, as it has been,” said Frank Scavo, president of Computer Economics. “But the rise in the median is a good sign that the recovery is broadening its base to include more midsize companies and additional sectors.”

In line with the IT staffing forecast, IT operational budgets will increase 2.4 percent at the median, a rise that is about in line with revenue growth and similar to what has occurred over the past few years, according to the report.

“What we are seeing is slow and steady improvement, but the growth is still a long way from robust,” Scavo said.