Majority of job candidates optimistic about job market return by year’s end; top jobs include healthcare roles
Healthcare Staffing Report
Majority of job candidates optimistic about job market return by year’s end; top jobs include healthcare roles

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A majority of job candidates, 58%, are confident the job market will turn around by the end of the year, according to a poll taken Sept. 4 by jobs website Monster Worldwide.
“As the job market slowly begins to stabilize, job candidates are showing increased optimism in an economic turnaround in the coming months,” Monster CEO Scott Gutz said in a new report. “Coupled with a willingness to explore new roles and an eagerness to learn new skills, candidates have become even more resilient and determined to succeed.”
The report, “Job & Hiring Report: Trends for Fall 2020,” also listed 11 jobs with the most opportunity for 2020, having demonstrated consistent growth from June to August:
Barber/Cosmetologist/Hair stylist (median salary: $35,000 per year)
Insurance underwriter (Median salary: $71,000 per year)
Laboratory technician (Median salary: $33,000 per year)
Loan processor (Median salary: $39,000 per year)
Medical biller (Median salary: $32,000 per year)
Personal care aide (Median salary: $37,000 per year)
Pet care worker (Median salary: $32,000 per year)
Quality inspector (Median salary: $35,000 per year)
Registered nurse (Median salary: $68,000 per year)
Warehouse worker (Median salary: $23,000 per year)
Web developer (Median salary: $92,000 per year)