SI Review: July 2010


WEB EXCLUSIVE: Employees Say Tension at Work Is About Right, SI Review July 2010

Workers seem to accept the need for some tension in their workplace, according to a survey by Healthy Companies International, an Arlington VA-based management consulting firm. In fact, 41% of workers indicated there is "just the right amount" of tension in their place of work. Twenty-five percent of workers reported experiencing too much tension while one-third indicated there was almost no tension where they work.

"Our study suggests most Americans understand that a productive workplace has to have a certain level of tension or energy," comments Stephen Parker, Healthy Companies' chief commercial officer. "Too much tension can certainly hurt employee performance just as too little motivation or engagement spells its own kind of trouble. We are heartened by the results as having just enough anxiety in the workplace could be the turning point for America to begin to regain its competitive edge."

The study found:

  • Women were 28% more likely than men to believe there is too much tension in their workplace.
  • Likewise, men were more likely than women, 37% to 29%, to think there is almost no tension.
  • Employees earning between $25,000 and $50,000 were more likely than those in other salary ranges to complain of tension in their workplace.
  • Workers with a high school education level or less were more likely to say there is too much tension where they work.
  • Older employees were somewhat more likely to report a lack of workplace tension.