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Survey: Up to 25 applications reviewed per job

September 16, 2010

Forty-eight percent of human resource managers surveyed by CareerBuilder say they typically review up to 25 applications for open positions.

Thirty-eight percent of human resource mangers said they spend less than a minute reviewing a resume and 18% said they spend less than 30 seconds.

The managers also listed some memorable missteps made by job candidates on resumes. The included:
*Candidate's e-mail address had "lovesbeer" in it.
*Candidate sent a 24-page resume for a five-year career.
*Candidate pointed out, "I'll have your job in five years."
*Candidate sent a video trying to hypnotize the human resource manager into hiring him.

The survey took place among more than 2,500 employers between May 18 and June 3.