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Mexico moves toward uniform minimum wage — Web

March 30, 2015

The minimum wage in Mexico’s geographical zone “B” will increase by 2.6%, to 68.28 pesos (US$4.52) from 66.45 pesos (US$4.40) per day effective April 1, according to Bloomberg BNA. The wage of 70.10 pesos (US$4.64) a day will be maintained. In geographical area “A.” Geographical zone “A” includes Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Acapulco and most of Mexico’s largest cities. Geographical zone “B” includes Mexico's rural area such as Aguascalientes, Morelos and Tabasco. Mexico’s Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare last week said the increase in the minimum wage is in an effort to have a uniform minimum wage across Mexico by the end of the year.