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Ciett Aims for 18 Million More Jobs

May 25, 2012

Creating 18 million more jobs around the globe over the next five years is one of several goals committed to by members of Ciett, the International Confederation of Private Employment Agencies, at its annual World Employment Conference this week in London.

Other global goals committed to over the next five years by Ciett members include:

  • Support 280 million people in their job life
  • Help 75 million young people enter the labor market
  • Up-skill 65 million people, giving them more work choices
  • Serve 13 million companies with the right talents to succeed

“Our vision is to live in a world where there is a job for every person, and a person for every job,” said Ciett President Fred van Haasteren. “That might seem far off when countries are re-entering recession and high unemployment prevails, but private employment services can make a difference by securing a better and faster match between available work and skills.”